OK, so I've been contemplating doing this for a long time and finally decided that a midst all my A Level mock exams, now would be as good a time as any!
Starting a blog has always been something that I was interested in because I feel like sharing my thoughts and being able to interact with people online would be a new experience, and seeing the type of friends people have made online, I feel it would be an opportunity not to be missed so I'm giving it a go!
So, my name is Lucie Ainsworth, I'm a 17 year old girl who's obsessed with dancing and Pretty Little Liars (when I say dancing, I mean like taking lessons, not just randomly bursting into dance whenever, although I do do that also...). I'm currently studying for my first year of A Levels, although I should technically be in my second year, but I went to college for a year and it's all very confusing, but i'll save that for another day!
I enjoy watching YouTube videos in my spare time, and i'm kind of hoping that I might be able to start posting videos soon as I really would love to, but obviously I don't have any equipment or anything, but with my 18th coming up soon (March 22nd, put it in the diary!) I feel like i'm probably going to buy myself a camera and try and go from there I guess? Although i'm probably under estimating how difficult it's going to be!
I wont lie, I don't really know a lot about beauty and etc. like most bloggers/YouTube's, but maybe people want to see just general life videos and hauls but I guess i'll just see how I get on? Although I am very open to tips!
I think that's it for now, but thanks for sitting and reading this and i'll upload something new soon!